Legality of riding in the back of a pickup truck in New Hampshire


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Oct 30, 2023
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Have you ever rode in the back of a pickup truck? I've done it a few times in my life, but I was never sure if it was legal or illegal. I guess in New Hampshire, they are cool with people riding in the back of a pickup, as it's part of their "Live Free or Die" motto, which is somewhat shared by other states. No laws whatsoever from what I can tell.

But, neighboring states, like Maine for example, do have some rules, the only difference is that you have to at least be 19 years or older in order to legally ride in the back of a pickup. So there are differences in other states, with some likely having fines and other rules against riding in the back of a pickup. Though you'd have to look into your area for the exact rules.

Even though it's legally allowed to ride in the back of a pickup In New Hampshire and many other locations, there is still much concern for the safety of those taking part in it, especially with how much risk there is involved with doing so.

So is it legal, yes, should you do it? Probably not, but that's a choice for you to make. You can read more about these rules here - WOKQ
New Hampshire, United States
Yeah it's pretty lax it seems depending on the area. Here in Michigan you can't be younger than 18 and the driver cannot exceed 15 miles per hour. Meaning you have to drive slow, otherwise you can't ride in the back. I've ridden in the back of pickups before and have gone much faster than 15mph, which scared me half to death. But yeah, if you the limit of 15mph, you are legally fine to have people on the back of the pickup.
Yeah it's pretty lax it seems depending on the area. Here in Michigan you can't be younger than 18 and the driver cannot exceed 15 miles per hour. Meaning you have to drive slow, otherwise you can't ride in the back. I've ridden in the back of pickups before and have gone much faster than 15mph, which scared me half to death. But yeah, if you the limit of 15mph, you are legally fine to have people on the back of the pickup.
Yeah seems to be different everywhere. I think for New Hampshire you have to be at least 19 years old to ride in the back of truck. Weird they make it 19 and not 18, but not a big different or deal.

Sitting in the back of a pickup can be dangerous, so I understand why we have these rules. But I feel like most places are pretty lax about it. Like as long as you're not speeding and driving crazy, it's usually fine.
Well, I have rode in the back of a pickup truck multiple times and I am above legal age. However, I never realized that there were laws for this kind of activity. I will have to check with local laws to see where it is legal or not. Yes, I agree there is a risk in doing this but it is also fun to do it when you are going on a long drive with boys.

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