On San Francisco suing the EPA


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Sep 19, 2024
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From what I understand, the EPA says that the city fails to handle the sewage discharges, thus polluting the sea. The city argues that the EPA is abusing its authority and that its measurement is inaccurate.

What do you think about the case?
United States
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It's going to the Supreme Court. Unfortunately, I believe that the conservative-majority court will use this case as the perfect opportunity to erase our current water protections. It's not looking good. I'm surprised that the city of San Francisco is even making the argument, instead of accepting responsibility and fixing their system. Isn't San Francisco supposed to be a green city?
Wow, I'm shocked that the case got so far within the system. To me, it's obvious that the EPA utilized their given authority to hold San Francisco accountable. Instead of wasting money on lawsuits, the city should've funneled the money towards improving their infrastructure.
It's weird for an institution that has been around for ages like EPA to have confusing numbers for their standard. However, if sewage water truly enters people’s homes and causes health issues, the city should be held accountable as well.