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Feb 14, 2024
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Hi! My name is Maria, I work for a small City in AZ. I am an ICC Certified Permit Technician and I wear many hats in my role. I am currently working toward being an ICC Certified Residential Plans Examiner. Looking forward to meet many people in this forum.
Happy to be here!
Welcome Maria, it's a pleasure to have you here!
Welcome Maria, it's a pleasure to have you here!
Thank you Eric. Happy to be here. Looking forward to learning from all of you here.
I've been going through several posts and there're all good questions and responses.
Thank you for joining Maria!
Thank you Mike30. Loved your "Communist Republic of California!! ". Very funny indeed. I'm from Arizona and keeping an eye on what's happening in California, since it is our neighbor, and whatever happens in California, politically, it is soon to drizzle down into Arizona.
Thank you Mike30. Loved your "Communist Republic of California!! ". Very funny indeed. I'm from Arizona and keeping an eye on what's happening in California, since it is our neighbor, and whatever happens in California, politically, it is soon to drizzle down into Arizona.

As a Californian I can attest that we do often like to blaze our own path. I'd say California should be observed (as you're doing from Arizona :)), but certainly not followed in all cases. There's that saying that the individual states are "laboratories of democracy," right? Well in California you get to see an experiment in which democratic supermajorities set robust state-level regulatory policy in the world's eighth largest economy. This scenario really does enable California to be a leader in some areas (e.g., net-zero carbon emissions and 100% clean electricity by 2045), but California's also had some less successful initiatives (e.g., high speed rail) that should serve as cautionary tales for other states.
Hi Maria - I went back and looked at your intro post and noticed you mentioned that you're an ICC certified permit tech. Do you mind if I provide you with a badge next to your username indicating as such (e.g., like the Professional Wetland Scientist badge I have next to my username)?

Did you ever pass the test for ICC Certified Residential Plans Examiner? If so, I can add that badge too.
Good Morning Eric,
Yes. I am a certified Permit Tech since 12/2017.
Yes, please. If you could add the badge. I'd really apprecaite that.

Thank you,
Good Morning Eric,
I was looking at your Wetland Scientist Badge and it brought back memories. Back in the day, after high school, I took a course for Wildlife Conservationists. I actually have a certificate as a Wildlife Conservationist. Very rare to find someone in this field.
Just thought I'd share.
Interesting, thanks for sharing! Sounds like the Wildlife Conservationist certificate is associated with a college/grad school program? Curious what organization administers that...

Another certification I occasionally see alongside my Professional Wetland Scientist (PWS) is the Professional Ecologist certification (https://www.esa.org/certification/). I've never gotten ambitious enough to pursue other certs beyond my PWS but I do pay attention to them and like to know what's available. The environmental/ecological services sector can be competitive so certainly doesn't hurt to have one or two of these on your resume.
I received my certificate at Stratford Career Institute back in the early 2000's. Both, your certification and ESA certification, sound very interesting. I will look into both and get more insight.

Thank you,