Board approves permit for Northwest Texas reservoir over objections


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Oct 30, 2023
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If you're living in Northwest Texas, you may have heard about the recent news that The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality voted to grant a permit for the water rights for a new reservoir in Clay County. The vote passed even with an administrative judge wanting to deny it. The chairman of the commission Jon Niermann believes the judge made a mistake in regards to what the new reservoir in Lake Ringgold would be.

A big reason for the reservoir is due to a drought the city suffered back in 2010. The idea was originally proposed all the way back in the 1950s, but saw a revival due to said drought. The judge would like to have a days-long hearing on the proposal and the merits of the project. Last December the judge originally denied a permit as he didn't believe there was a need for a reservoir the size of Lake Ringgold. He also denied the permit due to concerns with wildlife in the area.

Some have agreed with the judge, like the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality’s Office of Public Interest Counsel, who believe that if a permit is granted, it should be for a smaller reservoir. Ranchers also seem to be siding with the judge, as some will be losing land to the new reservoir. They don't believe the reservoir needs to be the size of Lake Ringgold either and prefer it be smaller to better suit the community.

In the end, this is about water and making sure the citizens have the water they need. If you'd like to read more about this news, you can find the article here: Dallas News
Clay County, Texas, United States
Frankly speaking, I did not like the approval for reservoir. This would led to adverse effects on the local environment, particularly concerning wildlife habitats and ecosystems. This is even reflected by the concerns raised by the judge and the Office of Public Interest Counsel. Another consequence would be the changes in land use and property rights, especially for ranchers who will lose land to the reservoir.