Thousands of migrants crowd in Mexican Tapachula in search of transit permits that allow them to continue their journey to the U.S


Sep 26, 2023
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Thousands of migrants gathered on Monday to obtain shelter or transit permits that would allow them to continue their journey to the United States border.

About 2000 people gathered in front of the refugee aid commission (Comar) to put pressure, some of them have been there for more than 15 days.

But Comar only accepts refugee applications and their resolution can take weeks. Transit permits are issued by the National Migration Institute (INM), and the Mexican government admits to being overwhelmed consequently, Tapachula has once again become a bottleneck for migrants without entry documents to the United States.
United States
It's disheartening to see thousands of migrants stuck in such a challenging situation in Tapachula. While it's essential for governments to manage immigration processes effectively, the bottleneck at the border reflects a broader issue that demands international cooperation and solutions. These individuals are often fleeing desperate circumstances in search of a better life, and finding ways to streamline the process and ensure their safety should be a priority for all involved parties. It's a complex issue that requires compassion, pragmatism, and collaboration to address effectively.
Thanks for this, @riberet19. I can't say that immigration-related permitting is something I have a detailed knowledge of but I am aware of the deeply personal implications it has for all those people out there seeking to move to a new country to make a better life for themselves. New to me also from your article is the fact that many/most countries require transit permits simply to cross through their borders (sorry if this is super obvious to many of you...will add to the forum's permit type categories :)). I noticed that the U.S. also apparently requires permitting - via Electronic System for Travel Authorization (ESTA) - for any foreign visitors lacking a visa who merely want to cross through U.S. borders.
Biden and his team that's in charge of working on granting permit to immigrants in USA have been very sluggish with the who permitting process. This is why there are so many illegal immigrants in USA today. With what's happening right now as Thousands of migrants crowd in Mexican Tapachula for their transit permits to enter USA, it's very obvious those in charge of the who process aren't taking it seriously. I really feel for those who's already stuck their for 15 days and nothing have been done for them yet.
Biden and his team that's in charge of working on granting permit to immigrants in USA have been very sluggish with the who permitting process. This is why there are so many illegal immigrants in USA today. With what's happening right now as Thousands of migrants crowd in Mexican Tapachula for their transit permits to enter USA, it's very obvious those in charge of the who process aren't taking it seriously. I really feel for those who's already stuck their for 15 days and nothing have been done for them yet.
Well, we also have to know that the number of immigrants who have entered the North American country during Biden's mandate has been too high, let's just look at the example of Cuba, I believe that no country can support that level of immigration continuously, both legal and illegal. Therefore it is normal that these things happen and in general the that the management will be a disaster.

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