Port Angeles Unveils Free Permit-Ready Plans to Boost Affordable Housing


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Aug 26, 2023
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The City of Port Angeles has introduced the Permit-Ready Plans program. This program will offer pre-designed building and engineering plans for Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs), Small Lot Homes, and Town homes. These will be free to use. The program is funded by the Washington State Department of Commerce. The main idea behind these pre-designed plans is to expedite and simplify the community's design, planning, and permitting processes and in the mean time also saving costs.

The program has a lot of benefits. Eligible housing types will be waived building permit fees thus saving money. It will also reduced wait times and make permit review process faster.

You can read more about this program in this article.
Port Angeles, Washington, United States
It's a good step to start bringing in more affordable housing. Especially in Washington. It sounds like more and more states are allowing home owners to have ADU's on their property. I think it'd be a great way to draw income if you ever plan to rent one out to someone. That's what I would eventually do if I were to set up an ADU on a property of my own.