Exploring Concrete Halfpipe Construction on the Big Island: Regulations and Opportunities


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Aug 26, 2023
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I recently came across an intriguing question posted on Reddit. A user is contemplating the construction of a concrete halfpipe on their property, and it got me thinking. In certain US states, for a structure like this to be considered permanent, it must be situated at least 15 feet away from the property line. Additionally, they've mentioned that if the halfpipe is no more than 3 feet in height, it might not necessitate a permit.

The user is particularly interested in understanding the specific building code regulations that apply to the Big Island. They're also curious about why more residents don't take advantage of the vast unused spaces available for projects like dirt bike tracks or skateboard ramps. Do you have any insights to share on this matter?
Hawaii, United States
If the Reddit user is considering building a concrete halfpipe on their property, I would suggest that they contact their local building department on the Big Island to get the correct information about specific regulations and permitting requirements.

It's also a good idea for them to consult with the local architect, who can guide them through the design and approval process to ensure compliance with local building codes and regulations.

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