El Dorado cannabis growers seeking easier/cheaper permit process


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Apr 16, 2023
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Cannabis growers in El Dorado County have been advocating for changes to the County's cannabis legalization ordinance to make it easier and cheaper for growers to enter the market in the area. Since the ordinance was passed five years ago, only one commercial grower has successfully made it through the County's restrictive application process.

According to this article, the El Dorado County Growers Alliance recently proposed numerous language changes to the County's ordinance. Specifically, the alliance "is looking to decrease the 800-foot setback of cannabis cultivation farms from property lines or public right-of-ways, is requesting expanding the maximum cannabis growing area to more than 2 acres on farm parcels, and that cottage licenses allow further exceptions to outdoor and indoor cultivation. The alliance also made requests to the county to consider allowing indoor growing, cannabis processing and non-volatile manufacturing on any commercial cannabis location regardless of zoning."

The County's Planning Commission is currently reviewing the alliance's setback, grow size, and nonvolatile manufacturing recommendations, along with considering issuing multi-year cannabis licenses.
California, United States
It is encouraging to see the El Dorado County Growers Alliance pushing for changes to the county's cannabis legalization ordinance. The current restrictive application process has made it nearly impossible for growers to enter the market, stifling the growth of the industry in the area. By decreasing setbacks, expanding grow sizes, and allowing for indoor cultivation and processing, the alliance is advocating for common-sense adjustments that will benefit both growers and consumers. I hope the County's Planning Commission takes these recommendations seriously and works towards creating a more inclusive and thriving cannabis industry in El Dorado County.
While some provisions in the law are not favorable for commercial cannabis growers, I believe when it comes to granting cannabis, I think there should be stricter regulations. Cannabis is a primary source of drug that is being widely used for recreational purposes and addictions. I think the current limit on the growing area is perfectly fine. Cannabis poses a risk in the society and it should be strictly controlled.

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