There's still time to apply for a Parks and Recreation commercial use permit in Juneau


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Dec 17, 2023
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The Juneau Parks and Recreation Department is accepting 1-year commercial use applications through the end of the month. If that's not enough time to put your application together, you can still apply for the commercial use permit through June 30th, though you'll have to pay a late fee. Permit applications must be submitted through this form. As usual, individual citizens do not need to apply for a permit to use the parks. Alaska is a beautiful place. I can see why businesses might want to take advantage of this opportunity.
United States
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I appreciate the department's reasonable fee rates, especially for those who need more than one permit. The first application is $250, but each extra permit location is a mere $100. Considering that these permits are used by businesses to make money, it sounds like a good deal to me.
Ok, so these permits are meant for business owners and anyone selling products or services in the area? I know near me, we have a fair deal of food trucks and other small shops near our local parks. Do businesses near a park need to obtain a permit too? Or is it just anyone using the park for business related needs?
Ok, so these permits are meant for business owners and anyone selling products or services in the area? I know near me, we have a fair deal of food trucks and other small shops near our local parks. Do businesses near a park need to obtain a permit too? Or is it just anyone using the park for business related needs?
Great questions. From what I've read, this particular permit is strictly for any profit-seeking activity within the park. It would even apply to fundraising activities. The food trucks within the park would likely need more than just this one permit, since they'd also need to comply with their local health and safety regulations.