Most difficult part of the process?


Feb 15, 2024
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My husband and I have bid on several homes at auction and lost each one. The housing market is out of control here. We've added up the costs, and it will be cheaper for us to build instead of buying a home that's already established. We have our blueprints ready to go, and we have experience with construction, but we've never attempted to obtain the permits ourselves. What's the most difficult part of the permitting process when it comes to single-family homes? We want to go into this with our eyes open, so please don't hold back.
United States
I think the most difficult thing is getting everything in order, making sure you are obtaining the right permits for the job, and finding the best people to handle said work. Your best bet is to reach out to your local permitting office and let them guide you to the proper channels. Each city and state will differ in the rules and regulations.

Another issue I find is that sometimes the permitting process can take a while, which is normal, lots of people are attempting to get permits like you, so you may be put on a waiting list in some locations. But, they have started to streamline the process more in various states and cities across the US.
There is a lot that needs to be done when it comes to building a new home. Check with your local planning office, and ask what would be needed to get started, as each location will differ on their rules and regulations. You need to take into account the specific requirements and regulations to build on your property. This includes things like zoning, easements, floodplains, if you're on wetlands and more. And of course bringing in certified contractors to help you plan and enact your build.

With the permitting process, you most likely will have to file many different kinds of permits, like for the building, and planning of the project. As well you may need to take in mind fire, health, environmental permits as well. There may be other permit requirements in your area. And there may still be other forms and licenses you have to spring for.

The next step imo, would be to go to a local planning office or permit office and see what their rules are in your area and what the first step you should take in building your new home.

I wish you luck! :)
In my experience, the most challenging aspect of getting a permit for single-family homes is understanding the complicated local building codes and zoning regulations. Understanding the requirements, obtaining all necessary documents, and ensuring compliance can be very tedious and time consuming.
I am with planning and development for my County. The hardest part for my customers is gathering all the information that goes along with the Building permit and getting all the sub contractors to sign off.
I am with planning and development for my County. The hardest part for my customers is gathering all the information that goes along with the Building permit and getting all the sub contractors to sign off.

Thanks for sharing, Leshonta. It sounds like building your own home is quite a project management challenge. The OP said they have some construction experience so hopefully the perspective you shared will provide them some assurance that they can tackle the building permits on their own. I'll also echo what @Jake said, though, about planning/zoning potentially being an issue. You can't just build a house anywhere you want. If the OP wants to build somewhere not currently zoned for residential, they may need to obtain a conditional use permit. This could push back their desired build date and result in restrictions in terms of what/where they're allowed to build on the property they have in mind.