Hello from WA!


Dec 4, 2024
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I am an Administrative Specialist from a college town in WA. I perform permitting tech duties, records management, and administrative tasks. I love seeing the topics that come up and learning how other jurisdictions do things.
Great to have you on Permitting Talk! Absolutely - information-sharing among permitting professionals is what this forum is for. Don't hesitate to post with any questions or interesting thoughts/experiences you may want to share.
Hello fellow Washingtonian! :)
Good to see you here.
How is your jurisdiction handling the upcoming timeline changes w/ SB 5290?
Hi Emily! Good to see you here as well. This does not apply to Pullman because Whitman County is not a Growth Management Act County. With that being said, we already meet many of the requirements of SB 5290 with our current processes. Sorry I can't be of more help.
Hey, no that is good info! I totally forgot about that part. haha