Busy season


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Oct 24, 2024
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Hey everyone! When is busy season for your jurisdiction? Is it consistent? This past September/October has seemed to be when applications really started ramping up.
Gloucester County, Virginia, United States
We usually get busier right after tax season and that carries thru to November. It slows down slightly in December.
Hey everyone! When is busy season for your jurisdiction? Is it consistent? This past September/October has seemed to be when applications really started ramping up.
I cover mainly MD-DC-VA and depending on who your clients are will depend on the the applications being submitted. I originally was mainly pulling permits for basement waterproofing companies and they certainly slow down come Thanksgiving thru mid January. They also slow down if it is very dry out.
Now that my business is on an upward trajectory...I'm pulling permits for pools, decks, additions, interior renovations, basement finishing, etc...I'm very steady right now. I'm also involved in fixing problem permits that required zoning variances and other types that would seem daunting to most. Even to me at first.